The Simple Way To Sort, Organize And Copy 1000s of your files and folders with a single Drag-and-Drop using your rules.
Software license agreement:
The software license agreement can be seen here.
Demo limitation:
Just put the application in the trash.
Mac OS X 10.5 or later.
To start a sorting process, drop some files or folders into the main window.
The intelligent drag and drop engine differentiates between files and folders. It works in the following way:
Dragging and dropping files or folders also works on the application icon.
To remove items from the list, select the items and press the Backspace key.
If the Add to Batch box is checked, it is possible to add more files and folders to the file list. To remove the content of the batch in this mode, press the key combination Command+Backspace.
After you've dropped files and/or folders, the display field indicates how many items have been loaded and you can see the items in the file list.
To remove an item from the list, select the item and press the Backspace key.
When you drag and drop another batch of items, the last batch will be replaced with the new batch.
If the Add to Batch box is checked, the items will be added to the file list. To remove the content of the batch in this mode, press the key combination Command+Backspace.
Adding items to a batch:
If the Add to Batch box is checked, the items will be add to the file list. To remove the content of the batch in this mode, press the key combination Command+Backspace.
When you click on the Sort button, Sorterox will begin its work. The display field shows what is happening.
In the file list, you can see which items (files or folders) were already sorted.
Pressing the ESC or Command and "." key cancels the sorting process.
If Copy File mode is checked in the rules, the items will be copied and the copy of the items will be sorted. You will have a backup of your items.
To open an item with its default application, double click its name in the file list. If the item is a folder, it opens in the finder.
IfCopy File mode is checked in the rules, double clicking the item name in the Source File column opens the source item. After the sorting process, double clicking in the column Target Folder in the same row opens the folder that contains the copied item.
Holding down the Command key + Shift key and clicking on an item name in the Source File column will open the folder that contains the item. Holding down the Command key + Shift key and clicking in the Target Folder column in the same row opens the target folder.
Press the Undo Button to undo the sorting process. The undoing process reverts to the original place of the items.
If Copy File mode is checked in the rules, all the copied items will be removed.
After the undoing process the Undo Button will be disabled.
The Rules tab contains the most important functions of the application. All the items will be sorted dependent on the rules and their priority in the Rule list. The Rule list shows all the rules and their contents.
You can see for each rule:
To search the subfolders of a folder, select the option Search Subfolders for Files Too. All the files in the subfolders will load.
Use the Add to Batch option if you want the items to be added to the already loaded items. You can drop items into the main window to make a bigger batch. All the added items will appear in the file list.
To remove the content of the batch in this mode, press the key combination Command+Backspace.
The application starts automatically upon login when you check the box Start the application at login. This option is recommended if you use the Auto Sort function.
If the option Quit Application After the Job is finished is selected, Sorterox will quit after all the items are sorted.
Sorterox is able to monitor two independent folders in the background. The Auto Sort function sorts files in the background dependent on your rules and their priority.
The Auto Sort engine begins to sort each time period of all the files in the source folder. If Sort Subfolder Too is checked, it also sorts the files inside the subfolders.
Before the Auto Sort function can be switched on, a source folder must be chosen.
The source folder can be chosen by clicking the Choose a folder button or by dropping a folder in to the Auto Sort field.
The sorting process for each day will be logged in a Log file which can be found by clicking the Log files button.
Please Note: